
Behavioral Insights: Uncover your customer’s psychology

Drive customer value, behavior change and real business growth

Invite Kristen to Speak

With years of experience in behavioral science, Kristen has:

Consulted with

top companies in the world

Ran over

70 experiments

Trained over

1,000 people

Helped found

Google’s behavioral economics unit

Published in

top publications

What people are saying:

I have been going to NorCal for four years and you were probably the best speaker I have seen. Complete package; very professional, funny, and insightful.

Thomas Howard,
NorCal Board member

Maybe the best session I’ve been to at my 2 years at Facebook. [Kristen Berman] is super immersed in the topic and able to relate to our workstreams so easily, which makes this super relevant!

Judy Lee,
Marketing Manager at Facebook

Your session was the highlight of our product offsite!

Isabelle Rogner,
Director of Product Management at Legal Zoom

Kristen not only engages the audience with her energy, but she also captivates them with her insights on human psychology and decision-making. If you want to know why your customers do what they do, hire Kristen. Couldn’t recommend her more.

Tom Denari,
President of Young & Laramore

If I could, I’d magically have every designer, researcher and client attend Kristen’s talks.

Craig Peters,
Founder of Awasu design

Watch Kristen's Speaker Reel

Kristen Berman studies how people actually act in the marketplace, as opposed to how they should or would perform if they were completely rational.